Samsung Galaxy S Plus Gets Highly Functional KitKat Update with CM11

Rom informations:
The conversion to ION Memory Allocator has been provided by our devs, and thanks to Christopher83 (XDA) we finally integrate the camera/video capturing functionality by enabling the pmem adsp heap allocation just for camera lib interface (libs are still the old version). All the rest of the allocation is provided via ION heaps. This version is not a full ion, but is a 99% ION and 1% PMEM.
What's working:
- Audio
- Receiving and making calls
- Compass
- Proximity sensor
- Wifi
- Bluetooth
- USB mass storage
- HW accelerated gui
- HW accelerated video
- Camera
- BLNv9
- USB/Wifi tethering
- VSync
- USB OTG (Only FAT32 support)
- MicroSD exFAT support
- Phantom key presses filtering
Not working:
AOSP keyboard sometime do not work if used with swipeSD swap not yet implemented

CM11.0Installation Guide
Note: CM for Galaxy S Plus is provided with no warranty. You are installing this software at your own risk. You may be violating your warranty.
Download CM11.0 and gapps zips and put them in /sdcard
- 20140102 Beta 2 (DL from Dev-Host Mirror 1) - (DL from Dev-Host Mirror 2)
MD5SUM: e485ef5654fa0d45a46eb50ea4ed8640
ROM:- Synched with CM sources
- init: Remove duplicated commands (credits to erik96)
- ariesve: Add libdashplayer (credits to arco68 and Christopher83)
- overlay: config: Fix USB Tethering interface regex (credits to arco68 and Christopher83)
- sepolicy: Allow SurfaceFlinger to read from /data/local/tmp (credits to arco68 and Christopher83)
- ariesve: Re-enable JIT cache (credits to Christopher83)
- BoardConfig: Use retire fence for display (credits to arco68 and Christopher83)
- BoardConfig: Build only the device provided CameraHAL (credits to arco68 and Christopher83)
- BoardConfig: Use Qualcomm optimizations for Bionic libs for better performance (credits to Christopher83)
- BoardConfig: Use Scorpion CPU variant for better performance (credits to Christopher83)
- cameraHAL: fixed photo preview (credits to CastagnaIT)
- cameraHAL: Fix taking a photo after video recording at 720P (credits to CastagnaIT)
- config: Update audio policy (credits to arco68)
- prop: Enable non-omx mp3 decoder and remove obsolete max hidden apps (credits to arco68)
20140102 KERNEL: (DL from Dev-Host Mirror 1) - (DL from Dev-Host Mirror 2)
MD5SUM: 148f678b5cb08009aa9e8bdd706af761
ATTENTION: This kernel is included in the rom... this download is in case of custom kernel installed and want to come back to stock!- Kernel 3.4.75
- ancora: don't use FB console (credits to hadidjapri)
- Updates and fixes to ARM memory management, timers and specific architecture routines (credits to CAF Team)
- Updates and fixes to ALSA and ASOC sound drivers (credits to CAF Team)
- Updates and fixes to diagnostics driver (credits to CAF Team)
- Updates and fixes to EMMC/SD drivers (credits to CAF Team)
- Updates and fixes to IPC Router driver (credits to CAF Team)
- Updates and fixes to serial drivers (credits to CAF Team)
- Updates and fixes to framebuffer and display drivers (credits to CAF Team)
- Updates to qseecom driver (credits to AnilKumar Chimata)
- base: sync: increase size of sync_timeline name (credits to Fred Fettinger)
- Bluetooth: GAP: Fast ACL disconnection only for Auth fail (credits to Sumit Bajpai)
- Bluetooth: hidp: Remove sysfs entry if hid connection is disconnected (credits to Hemant Gupta)
- Fix pairing not successful when remote reports missing pin (credits to Archana Ramachandran)
- ion: Update ION_SECURE and ION_FORCE_CONTIGUOUS flags (credits to Adrian Alexei)
- mfd: pm8xxx: implement cold_boot sysctl parameter (credits to David Keitel)
- msm: subsystem_restart: Don't use phase 3 SSR on the SGLTE2 (credits to Joel King)
- msm: SSR: Fix problems with concurrent SSRs (credits to Stephen Boyd)
- msm: spm: set vdd directly for current cpu (credits to Venkat Devarasetty)
- msm: rq_stats: Register for Cpufreq policy notification (credits to Archana Sathyakumar)
- msm: socinfo: Add new hw_platform for QRD (credits to Taniya Das)
- msm: msm_bus: Correct the return value from register-client (credits to Gagan Mac)
- Revert "Revert "msm: cache_erp: Handle recoverable L1 errors"" (credits to Neha Pandey)
- msm: pm: send notification only for SPC and PC (credits to Venkat Devarasetty)
- msm: rpm: add debug msg for rpm outstanding req (credits to Venkat Devarasetty)
- msm: Fix race condition in domain lookup (credits to Olav Haugan)
- slim_msm: Wait for reconfig sequence to complete (credits to Kiran Gunda)
- sync: signal pt before sync_timeline object gets destroyed (credits to Prakash Kamliya)
- sysctl: add cold_boot sysctl entry (credits to David Keitel)
- Updates and fixes to USB drivers (credits to Rajkumar Raghupathy, Pavankumar Kondeti, Manu Gautam)
- drivers: staging: Fix Zcache (credits to Steve Kondik)
- msm: mdp: Update sync pt. behaviour (credits to naseer)
- mach-msm: Some changes to Ancora, Ancora_Tmo, Apache and Ariesve boards (credits to arco68)
- Revert "msm: pm2: Setup memory for save/restore cpu registers early" (credits to arco68)
- netfilter: xt_qtaguid: report only uid tags to non-privileged processes (credits to JP Abgrall)
- netfilter: x_tables: fix ordering of jumpstack allocation and table update (credits to Will Deacon)
- Update defconfigs and enabled Zcache (credits to Christopher83)
- Update defconfigs to enable additional features and to build NFS, LockD, SunRPC, TUN as standalone modules (credits to arco68)
- Fix OTG support (credits to Rajkumar Raghupathy, Murali Nalajala, Vijayavardhan Vennapusa)
- 20131226 ADCT GApps (DL from Dev-Host) (Not compatible with ART Runtime)
MD5SUM: 014f5f634d463af6ed4cefd7b53f6ef9
Please verify the md5sum to be sure you got the right one.
Before you install CM11.0: Preparation (First three are optional. If you want to start fresh, these can be skipped)
- Install AppBak from Market, run it and save a list of all your apps.
- Install SMS Backup and Restore from Market, run it and backup your SMS history.
- Install Call Logs Backup and Restore from Market, run it and backup your call log history.
- Boot into recovery. Make a full backup. You will need this backup later if you decide to go back to your previous ROM and data.
WARNING: Many apps will Force Close crash if you restore data from a previous ROM.
- Here you can find the CWM Recovery and TWRP built by our Team:
WARNING: We built and tested these recoveries, but always remember that we are not responsible for any damage by using these software!!
They are based on safe kernel on emmc side!! - Wipe data and cache.
- Flash update*.zip.
- Flash gapps*.zip. You must flash gapps after every upgrade to CM10 since /system is formatted, wiping your previous add-ons.
- Reboot phone.
- After you setup your Google account, reinstall the three apps from Market in order to restore most of your apps, call log and SMS history.
WARNING: Do not restore backup data of system apps!
- If you restore a bad backup with cached settings in telephony.db in data/data/com.*.*.telephony it can break MMS.
- It seems that restoring backups can also break Calendar sync.
Upgrades from previous versions of CM11.0 are the same process as install, except you do not need to wipe anything. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to even wipe cache and dalvik-cache when upgrading between CM11.0 versions. You only need to wipe if you are doing a major upgrade, switching to a different ROM entirely, or attempting to fix bugs caused by bad backups or corrupt app data.NOTE: You can upgrade a previous installation PMEM with this ION/ADSP version.
NOTE: Please DO NOT USE OLDER CUSTOM KERNEL not updated for ION!!!
XDA Developers
F.A.Q - CyanogenMod 11
"The rom is stuck at splash screen, bootloop!"
-Use the NEWEST TWRP/CWM from US. Do not use any other recovery except the linked one in the thread!
"I heard on KitKat the statusbar is transparent. Why not in this rom?"
We have enabled the low_ram token by default. This disables the transparent effects and saves ram. If you want the statusbar transparent, open your appdrawer and choose ariesparts. Now go to "Enable/Disable Low Ram" and press the switch button, reboot and done!
"Why I can't add widgets on lockscreen?"
We have enabled the low_ram token by default. This disables in general and depending on app some features to save ram. If you want to add widgets on lockscreen, open your appdrawer and choose ariesparts. Now go to "Enable/Disable Low Ram" and press the switch button, reboot and done!
"Where are the CyanogenMod settings (Battery styles etc..)?"
- CM11 is still WIP, build after build the settings will be there again.
"Will there be builds for the Galaxy W (same chipset)?"
-We dont know. When we finish the work on ION and have some free time, we will discuss about it.
"What is ART?"
First - ART is in the "DEVELOPER OPTIONS" for a reason!!
ART is the new selectable runtime virtual machine included in KitKat and intended to replace Dalvik VM in the future.
At the moment, the default runtime virtual machine (VM) on KitKat and the only one available on previous Android versions is Dalvik VM.
Apps, excluding their native parts, are compiled from Java source code (but also written with other high-level languages) to a particular intermediate-level language, called byte-code, architecture independent, portable and runnable on every system that has the same/similar runtime VM. When the app is launched, its various required byte-code parts are loaded from disk, interpreted by the VM, compiled in machine code and then stored in RAM ready for the real execution. This process (known as JIT, just-in-time) requires some time and is not so efficient in terms of execution performance and cpu use, expecially on a device with a single core cpu...
With ART runtime VM every app is compiled directly in machine code when downloaded from Play Store or during the first boot process after enabling this kind of VM.
This means that there's no need to compile again and again the app byte-code when an app is launched, less time required to launch the app, less cpu use, better performance.
At the moment, ART is in an experimental stage and not all apps are supporting it (they simply force closes when launched).
But in the future, this will be surely a second life for our device.
(Thanks to Christopher83 for this nice explaination!)
"Why does ART result in a bootloop?"
-The conversion from Dalvik to ART can take around 20 - 60 minutes, depending on how many apps you have installed. The bootanimation will be visible for a long time, so stay petient. BTW - If you installed Xposed framework ART will stop working.
"Why does ART result in app-fc`s?"
-Art is still very very alpha. In fact, there were people who wanted to remove it from the CM builds because of that, but it didnt happen. We recommend you to use Dalvik if you want to use this rom as daily driver.
"Are the DevCon-GApps odexed or deodexed?"
-The DevCon-GApps are made by ktulu84, they are based on CM Gapps deodexed and not compatible with art.
"Gesture typing doesnt work?"
-AOSP Bug, please install Google Keyboard from the Playstore or as .apk. Also Swiftkey works correctly.
"Are 64GB Micro SD cards supported?"
-Yes, they are. Smeroni68 is using one in his phone, and it works very well. (Tested on native exFAT Samsung 64GB SDXC uhs1 PRO card)
"Where are the AriesParts/Advanced settings?"
-CyanogenMod has removed it from settings. You can find the Advanced settings inside the Appdrawer.
"Playstore doesn work after Upgrade to newer build of CM11!"
-Reinstall DevCon-GApps. If this doesn't work format system, flash rom and DevCon-GApps. if this still doesn't work remove google account, reboot your phone and then readd your google account.
"MX-Player says "Not supported Android version"
Update MX-Player from market up to v1.7.21
"Where is the "Performance menu"?"
To add Developer Opitons & Performance menu, you have to open Settings -> Device Info and tap 7 time on Build Number.
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