[Xposed][Xperia&AOSP]Advanced Power Menu (stock feel,reboot to recovery,screeenshot)

Advanced Power Menu is an Xposed Mod which adds advanced reboot options (reboot, soft reboot and reboot to recovery) and screenshot option to your power menu. It works on both AOSP and Xperia devices. For rebooting into recovery, a special implementation for Xperia devices is used, but it will also work on AOSP devices.
- A dedicate first-level option for rebooting
- Fully working reboot to recovery (no reboot wrapper required) soft reboot, and bootloader
- Screenshot function
- High quality mdpi-xxhdpi icons
- GUI for different configurations
- Easy Installation. No flashing required.
- Works both for odexed and deodexed ROMs
- Quite future proof (should work for Android 4.3 if there is no big framework change from Sony)
- Should work for a lot of devices
Screenshots (outdated)

- All Xperia Phones with rooted stock 4.0+ ROM / Nexus devices / AOSP#(Please do test and tell me)
- Xposed framework installed
#AOSP: not including CM, PAC, etc. This may mess things up and there's no point in doing so
Warning: This will definitely NOT work for Samsung TouchWiz & HTC Sense Stock ROMs! (Google Play Edition will be ok, I think)
You will need xposed framework and for this mod to work! See prerequisites above.
After you meet the prerequisites,
Download and install the apk in the next post
Go to Xposed Installer > Modules and enable "Advanced Power Menu"
Reboot and you are done! (Sometimes you might need to reboot more than once for all functions to work)
I'm not responsible for any damage caused by this mod! Use this at your own risk.
The beast - Sony Xperia Z
ROM: Stock 4.2.2 ROM, rooted
Recovery: CWM+TWRP Dual Recovery for Locked Bootloader (I prefer TWRP) link
Advanced Power Menu Xposed Mod
Advanced Xperia Z Launcher (Modified Stock Launcher APP. No root required)
Xposed framework: MoDaCo Toolkit & Disable Data Noti & Enable Call Recording (SemcPhone Patcher)
Recovery: CWM+TWRP Dual Recovery for Locked Bootloader (I prefer TWRP) link
Advanced Power Menu Xposed Mod
Advanced Xperia Z Launcher (Modified Stock Launcher APP. No root required)
Xposed framework: MoDaCo Toolkit & Disable Data Noti & Enable Call Recording (SemcPhone Patcher)
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